CALL For Interview at Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB), Candidates Invited for Interview at TAKUKURU
Job Overview
The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) and the Institute for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption (TAKUKURU) are governmental agencies tasked with investigating and combating corruption in Tanzania. They play a vital role in promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance.
CALL For Interview at PCCB, Candidates Invited for Interview at TAKUKURU
To view the list of candidates invited for an interview, please download the attached PDF document below.
The Director General of TAKUKURU would like to inform job applicants who have passed the preliminary screening that the written interview test (Aptitude test) will be held at Chuo cha Mipango, Dodoma City, on 09.03.2024.
Important Points to Consider:
- The interview date is on 09.03.2024, Saturday.
- The exam will commence at 3:00 am on 09.03.2023 for all applicants.
- Names of all applicants invited for the interview, along with the test location, are available on the PCCB website
- Each applicant should accurately fill in their personal information on the attached list of names form, which is also available on the PCCB website
- The personal information form should be carefully completed as it is part of the Aptitude test. Any incorrectly filled form will disqualify the applicant.
- The form must be submitted on the day of the exam, 09.03.2024. Failure to submit the form will result in disqualification from the interview.
- Each interviewee should write the test number given to them. Failure to write the test number will result in the test not being corrected.
- Those who pass the written test will be called for the oral interview.
Issued by:
Director General,
Institute for Prevention and Combating Corruption,
1 PCKURU Street S.L.P. 1291,
41101 DODOMA.
Please adhere to the provided instructions.