DALILA Call For Logo Design Competition 2020

DALILA Call For Logo Design Competition 2020

DALILA- Development of new Academic curricuLa on sustaInabLe energies and green economy in
Africa is an Erasmus+ Project, funded by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency) under the Key Action 2 (Capacity building in the field of higher education).
DALILA project aims at unlocking technical and economic capabilities of younger generation in
renewable energy sector in Uganda and Tanzania, enhancing the fundamental role of universities.
For this reason, the project has, both in Uganda and Tanzania, two main target groups
First of all  students in tertiary education enrolled in engineering and economic and social science programmes;  in particular students who pursue bachelor degree in science and Students who pursue MSc Climate  change and MSc environmental science for State University of Zanzibar and for University of  Dodoma, Uganda Christian University and Uganda Martyrs University bachelor and master students, bachelors.
The project in the long term will also benefit local communities that need cheaper and cleaner sources of energy for everyday activities (i.e. cooking and lighting) that could be realized through
increasing knowledge and awareness on renewable energy.
DALILA project in fact will strength
public awareness on how energy efficiency and better energy consumption patterns are necessary
for a sustainable development, laying the foundations for new strategies for a sustainable
development and growth. DALILA Project, coordinated by Sapienza University of Rome – UNIROMA1 (Italy), sees the participation of the University of Cadiz – UCA, the company INOMA Renovables SL (Spain) and the SUD Ecology e Cooperation ONLUS – A SUD (Italy), as European Partners, and of the State University of Zanzibar – SUZA, University of Dodoma – UDOM, Sahara Ventures, Uganda Martyrs University –UMU and Uganda Christian University – UCU, as African Partners.


DALILA Consortium intends to open a public selection of the best logo for the project. DALILA logo  has to summarise the objectives and incorporate design elements relevant to the mission of the project. The winning LOGO shall be used as the Official Logo for the DALILA and for related
communication tools such as Website, Letter heads, Pamphlets, Posters, Social Networks and other purposes.


The Contest is open to the students of African Universities partners of the DALILA project (SUZA,
UDOM, UCU, UMU). Participants, to be considered eligible, must accept and agree to comply with

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