National Consultants for Coordination, planning and monitoring of Demand Generation support for RCCE to roll out COVID-19 Vaccine at UNICEF

 Job no: 546970

Contract type: Consultancy

Level: Consultancy

Location: United Republic of Tanzania

Categories: Communication for Development (C4D), Planning, Expanded Programme Immunization, Programme Management

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.


For every child, safety

On 31 December 2019, WHO was alerted to a cluster of pneumonia patients in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. One week later, on 7 January 2020, Chinese authorities confirmed that they had identified a novel (new) coronavirus as the cause of the pneumonia. To date the corona virus (COVID-19) has spread to over 150 countries, including over 10 in East and southern Africa. The Communication for Development programme is at the forefront of UNICEF emergency response.

The COVAX Facility, one of three key pillars of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, is a global collaboration co-led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and WHO to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines and to guarantee fair and equitable access globally. With over 300 COVID-19 vaccine candidates being monitored in varying stages of development and 25 vaccines in clinical evaluation, it is possible that a vaccine candidate may achieve emergency use approval in 2020. In preparation for this, effective assessment of communities’ and Health workers’ knowledge, behaviour, attitude and practice for this new vaccine and the development of evidence-based demand generation strategies is capital.

Hence, UNICEF Tanzania Office, is seeking assistance in the form of a consultancy with duration of 8 months (with a possibility of extension, contingent on availability of funds) to support in coordination, planning and monitoring of an evidence-based Demand Generation and Communication Plan. This should include development of tools and materials for resources and interventions mapping and monitoring.

Public understanding of the prioritization of target population, which will initially focus on Front Line Workers before covering at risk population, then general population over time, will be key to ensure overall acceptance and utilization of COVID-19 vaccines and reinforce trust in health and immunization services. This will also support the efforts to counter act the unprecedented abundance of information and misinformation circulating during the pandemic that can also impact the public response.

Strategies, both targeting primary recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine and the general population, will need to be informed by evidence on how Front-Line Workers and general population think and feel towards this vaccine introduction, understand their risk perceptions, decision-making factors and the barriers and drivers influencing demand for an uptake of COVID-19 vaccine. Evidence should also showcase the levels of trust in health authorities, vaccine hesitancy and perceptions of COVID-19 to shape relevant risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) strategies and plans. The COVID-19 vaccine process will require coordinating communications across national and subnational levels as well as public and private sectors, while engaging relevant stakeholders.


Main objectives:

The following are pre-requisites to the development of demand generation and communication strategies:

Support HPS/HPU and PORALG in coordination, planning and monitoring the overall risk communication and community engagement interventions for vaccine demand promotion

Support the data collection and analysis efforts (with clear gender, age and locality segregation) to inform any update or revision of the national demand promotion plan.

Support the rollout, monitoring and review of the national demand promotion plan already developed per MOH and partners.

Support MOH and PORALG to coordinate the advocacy, communication, social mobilization, and training taskforce to implement the COVID 19 vaccine introduction and rollout in line with existing LGA structures.

Provide technical assistance to MOH and PORALG and partners on development of evidence-based communication messages and material (digital and non-digital) as guided by global guidelines, community feedback and lessons learned in implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination demand generation plan.

Provide support for social listening and rumour management through establishment of community feedback mechanisms.

Support capacity building of health workers, CSOs, frontline workers, social mobilizers on demand generation-linking it with the gains made in RCCE.

Support Monitoring and documentation of lessons learnt from the whole process.

Currently, no RCCE mechanisms under the Ministry of Health neither UNICEF Tanzania has the in-house capacity to perform the above-mentioned planning and preparatory activities to ensure the successful introduction of COVID-19 vaccine in Tanzania hence the requirement to engage a short-term technical consultant.

How can you make a difference?

The overall objective of this consultancy is to ensure that public acceptance and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in the country is adequate.


Under the general guidance of the C4D Manager, the two consultants are responsible for the coordination of communication technical working groups to accelerate demand generation approaches and strategies at the RCCE subcommittee under the Ministry of Health to promote evidence-based Social and Behaviour Change interventions including social mobilization, advocacy, community engagement, community empowerment and monitoring and evaluation as key components of the country programmes in Tanzania in line with the work plan for COVID-19 Vaccine introduction.

The consultants are expected to provide technical support to following activities:

Strategic Direction and Coordination:

• Support RCCE to determine strategic directions for Communication for Development (advocacy, social mobilization, communication, community engagement and behaviour change) Technical Working Groups and ensure the strategies are in line with UNICEF Country Office plans to achieve COVID-19 vaccine coverage targets.

• Make viable recommendations and decisions on appropriate Communication for Development strategies to achieve the RCCE’s goals and objectives, and to support UNICEF’s mission in the country.

• Coordinate different fora mainly GAVI subgroups for demand generation, and country’s community engagement working groups under RCCE mechanisms

To provide expert advice and assistance to the RCCE teams by attending task teams including RCCE core groups – Health Promotion Technical Working (MoH), Immunisation and Vaccine Pillar and Public Communication Cluster (MoH) which promote culturally sensitive and tailored Social and Behaviour Change interventions contributing to ensuring sustainable demand and uptake of immunization services.

Demand Generation

• Ensure that RCCE groups are supported to develop plans and activities to promote acceptance among the general population of the initial ACT/COVAX prioritization guidance, increase trust in health and immunization services, and generate demand and uptake for COVID-19 vaccine among target population (Front-Line workers in a first phase, then at risk population, and finally general population over time)


• Develop, maintain, and update the RCCE strategy with approaches, plans and activities geared towards generating demand for COVID-19 vaccine and other primary health care (PHC) services, as needed. The strategy should be founded on sound evidence based on studies with clear objectives, approaches, plans, activities, as well as monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

• Provide support for social listening and rumour management through establishment of crisis communication

• Provide support for capacity building of Health Workers, CSOs, Front-Line workers on demand generation-linking it with the gains made in RCCE

• Ensure approaches used are inclusive, consultative, and participatory to carry along all stakeholders.

Promotion of C4D/SBCC/RCCE principles

• Provide advice on appropriate use of Social and Behavioural Change interventions

• Provide expert advice, coordination and technical support to government counterparts and other partners in the development and strategic use of Communication for Development to ensure optimum leverage and impact of communication activities on programme, policy and advocacy activities.

• Collaborate with the national and subnational Government officials, community/traditional leaders, other UN bodies, and bilateral agencies and NGOs in the organization of activities, operational research, advocacy and exchange of information and ideas supportive of RCCE’s goals and strategies.

• Monitor and evaluate activities based on applied targeted communication research and visits to field/project sites, when needed.

Disseminate communication research findings, ensuring exchanges of experience and new methods to government officials, programme staff, and other UNICEF partners.

Capacity Building for Sustainability

Oversee and advise on the development of goals, strategy, approaches, plans as well as training materials and activities to build up capacity in participatory and behaviour change communication for personnel involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of Communication for Development intervention within RCCE strategies for generating demand for COVID-19 vaccine uptake by communities.


The consultant will report to the C4D Manager and work closely with the Director of Health Promotion Service/Unit in the Ministry of Health, and Health Specialist in Health Section, UNICEF Tanzania will support with providing guidance for this assignment.

It is expected that the consultant prepares an implementation plan with timelines for the assignment, outlining planned tasks and concrete steps to be undertaken to accomplish the planned tasks within the scheduled time.

Regular discussions will be held face-to-face, virtually, the consultant is expected to stay in touch via telephone, e-mails, and other means such as Zoom or Skype.

The 1st consultant will be based at Dar es Salaam or Dodoma with regular field visits.

The 2nd one in Zanzibar with regular field visits within Unguja and Pemba.

The consultants will need to present the draft documents as well as the final report to UNICEF, MOH. At the beginning of the assignment, the consultants are expected to produce and agree with UNICEF and HPS Unit, Immunization Unit and PORALG of MOH on work plan schedules for the assignment period.


SN Task Report, training Material, Workshop etc % of payment Estimated # of payment days Time Frame

1 Review key documents and prepare and submit an inception report and work plan of consultancy assignment after consultations with HPS and PORALG and key stakeholders Inception report with detailed demand generation plans with roles and responsibilities, timeline, and associated budget 10%




Jan 22


2 Conduct rapid assessment for KAP / Behavioural and Social Drivers (BeSD) on COVID-19 vaccination aimed to reach priority target population (Utilizing any available secondary information)

• Coordinate with RCCE task teams in analysing data to guide development of demand generation and communication planning process for COVID-19 vaccine uptake by priority target population (FWLs, elderly/adults with comorbidities and/or other locally relevant risk factors) in close consultation with HPS and PORALG

Rapid surveys /assessment reports

Meeting reports on coordination meetings submitted to ensure RCCE network strengthened.

Demand generation and communication plan is in place.

10% 21


Feb to Jul 22

3 Develop training materials and conduct all relevant stakeholders’ capacities building in participatory and behaviour change communication area Trainings need assessment report

Training plans

Training modules

Trainings reports






Until Aug 22

4 Develop and distribute SOPs and communication messages, IEC material for partners and targeted population SOPs and material dissemination plan implemented.




21 Until mar 22

5 Support for social listening and rumour management through feedback and crisis communication mechanisms. Social listening and rumour tracking mechanisms are functioning.


10% 21


Jan- Aug 22

6 Support for national and subnational RCCE teams in implementing community-based approach interventions for Covid vaccine demand promotion. Training plan completed and field monitoring report provided. 10%




Jan- Aug 22

7 Documentation of demand generation process focused on action reviews, lessons learned and positive practices using submitted reports and developed resources and tools. Documentation of the process with lessons learnt completed.






Jan- Aug 22

8 Package and lead production of evidence based appropriate, relevant communication for C4D knowledge sharing, publications and works. C4D case studies documented and at least two journal publications produced/issued.






Aug 22

9 Provide final report on implementation of the demand generation plan. Final report on coordination, planning and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine uptake and roll out plan. 15%


21 30 Aug

However, as the actual starting date may impact the dates estimated in the TOR, the exact timeframes and actual delivery dates will be jointly agreed upon between the consultant and the supervisor upon contract signature.


The performance of work will be evaluated based on the following indicators: Completion of tasks specified in TOR,Compliance with the established deadlines for submission of deliverables, Quality of work, Demonstration of high standards in cooperation and communication with UNICEF and counterparts


All payments, without exception, will be made upon certification from the supervisor of the contract, of the satisfactory and quality completion of deliverables and upon receipt of the respective and approved invoice as per table above indicating estimated deliverables timelines. Payments are linked directly to the deliverables and the days indicated are only for planning purposes.

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will need to have the following..

Education Level: Advanced university degree from a recognized academic institution in one or more of the following areas is preferred in social science, communication, international studies, or a related technical field in UNICEF C4D areas or first university degree combined with relevant professional work experience and understanding of relevant functions may be considered in lieu of advanced university degree.

Work experience: Minimum six years progressively responsible experience in humanitarian/development programme coordination, planning and monitoring, emergency preparedness, complex emergency/multi-hazard disasters, community engagement and accountability to affected population work with UN, civil society and/or NGO.

Work experience managing large-scale projects, working with governments, working in resource-limited settings, monitoring and evaluating supply chains, and risk management, mitigation will be an asset.

Technical skills and knowledge:

Product knowledge on social behaviour change, social mobilization, community engagement and understanding of the principles of communication for development, knowledge and experience with collecting data and designing evidence-based C4D strategies, as well as risk communication and communication engagement are essential.


Written and spoken fluency in English and swahili are required.


– UNICEF will regularly communicate with the specialist and provide feedback and guidance and necessary support so to achieve objectives of the work, as well as remain aware of any upcoming issues related to the performance and quality of work.

– As per policy on consultants and individual contractors, the individual will be expected to complete a list of mandatory training and other relevant policies for their information and acknowledgment prior to the official contract being issued.

– The assignment requires the consultant when in Tanzania, to actively engage with partners as well as the focal person in Ministry of Health (EPI), City Councils and NGOs.

– The consultant will need to present the draft documents as well as the final report to UNICEF and EPI, MOH. At the beginning of the assignment, the consultant is expected to produce and agree with UNICEF and EPI, MOH on work plan schedules for the assignment period.

– The consultants will work from the HPS, HPU and UNICEF Tanzania Country Office premises, keeping COVID-19 safety and preventative measures in mind. If the footprint plan does not allow working from UNICEF premises, the consultant will work from home.

– The consultant will use a personal computer and phone to carry out the work.

– Copy right of all deliverables belong to UNICEF.


The consultant will be required to submit the proof of medical/Health Insurance with medical evacuation coverage.


The consultants will be based Dar Es Salam (or Dodoma if needed) and in Zanzibar and working from HPS/HPU Office premises until such a time when COVID travel restrictions are relaxed to allow in-country/field travel.


Proposals will be both technically and financially evaluated.


This consultancy covers a period of 168 days.


Interested consultants should provide the following:

Brief technical proposal (no longer than five pages) demonstrating the consultant’s understanding of the assignment and approach/methodology to the assignment

Financial proposal including a breakdown of their all-inclusive fees (including professional fees, travel, living cost,  and other costs).

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA)

The UNICEF competencies required for this post are…

Builds and maintains partnerships, demonstrates self-awareness and ethical awareness, innovates, and embraces change, drive to achieve results for impact, manages ambiguity and complexity, thinks, and acts strategically, work Collaboratively with others.

To view our competency framework, please click the link below.

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.

Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws

The deadline for submitting the application is 26 December 2021.


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