Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP)
Address: P.O Box 100644, Addis-Ababa (Ethiopia) House 059, Wereda 02, Bole Sub City
Tel.: (251) 11 667 1669 | (251)11 667 1670, E-mail: eapp@eappool.org
NAME OF PROJECT: Horn of Africa Regional Integration for Sustainable Energy Supply (P174175)
Assignment Title: Environmental Specialist of the EAPP – PIU
Reference No. ET-EAPP-241718-CS-INDV
The Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) has applied for financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Horn of Africa Regional Integration for Sustainable Energy Supply Project (P174175) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) of the Environmental Specialist will include (but is not necessarily limited to the following tasks):-
• Ensure that WB environmental and social standards and procedures are followed on all project-related activities undertaken by EAPP.
• Conduct environmental risk management-related review of relevant documents and reports.
• Conduct an assessment of environmental risk management monitoring capacity and needs of the secretariat and design a feasible capacity strengthening plan keeping in mind the core responsibilities and work of EAPP going forward.
• Provide regular reporting on any environmental risk management-related activities to the project manager and EAPP management as requested.
• Review and provide inputs on environmental risk management aspects of the EAPP regional power system master plan, feasibility studies being funded by EAPP, and other key related consultancies.
• Manage consultants hired by EAPP and develop guidance on best practices and lessons learned from environmental risk management and implementation of regional projects.
• Ensure adequate communication and reporting on compliance of environmental risk management standards.
• Attend meetings, draft briefing, and contribute to environmental risk management-related sections ToRs.
• Interact with environmental risk management experts in utilities as needed; and
• Undertake any other functions directly related to the efficient execution of environmental risk management activities as directed by the EAPP Secretary General and PIU Project Manager.
Required Qualifications/Competences
The following skills are essential for the assignment:
• Academic specialization: The environment specialist should have an advanced degree (MSc and above) in Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering or Natural Resource Management and should have at least 15 years of experience in environmental management including in preparation of environmental risk management instruments such as Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) audits, and Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs. The ideal candidate should have national-level certification of registration as Lead EIA/EA Expert.
• Professional experience: Have a strong background in energy infrastructure projects and proven experience in preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments for energy and other infrastructure projects, who is very familiar with the World Bank policies /standards and IFC Performance Standards. Have at least 10 years of progressively senior experience in managing the Environmental and Social Management Planning and assessment of infrastructure projects, particularly power infrastructure projects. An environmental risk management specialist will have demonstrated expertise in: the design and implementation of environmental and social risk management data collection, analysis, planning and assessment programs to support feasibility studies and the preparation of ESIAs and ESMPs required by national governments and international lending agencies;
• Having experience with EAPP and/or EAPP utilities will be an added advantage.
• Have a good understanding of environmental and social policies/standards of international funding agencies like the World Bank, AfDB, EU etc. with demonstrated expertise in project level Environmental and Social assessments and a strong track record with the management of ESIA, ESMP, RAP, IPMP, ESMF, IPF and RPF issues.
• The candidate should have demonstrated experience in projects financed by external donors such as the World Bank and have knowledge of policies/standards and procedures of the World Bank.
• Proficient in working with computers, including database management; Geographic Informational Systems, Statistical Analysis Communication and training skills are essential.
• Proven capacity to work with multiple stakeholders, including government entities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and the private sector
• Planning and assessment of large infrastructure developments involving important terrestrial biodiversity and/or land use values.
• Experience in data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative.
• Willingness and ability to travel in remote areas of the region.
• A description of applicable grievance redress mechanisms. i) An outline of the budget for implementing the ESMF.
• Resettlement Policy Framework/Process Framework of World Bank or equivalent, to address any potential land acquisition and/or physical relocation, loss of livelihoods or restriction of access to natural resources, including in legally designated parks and protected areas.
• Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF) of World Bank or equivalent, to address any effects on Indigenous Peoples; and
• Excellent analytical and report writing skills (in English).
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained on the following link: http://eappool.org and are attached to this request for expressions of interest.
The Eastern Africa Power Pool now invites eligible individual consultants (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested individual consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The attention of interested individual consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 and revised in November 2017 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
The consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection method (INDV) set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Duration of the Assignment
The contract duration of the assignment/service is for one year, renewable. Continuation to the second and third years will be subject to satisfactory performance evaluated yearly. Expected start date is 1st October 2021.
Gender Mainstreaming
The EAPP is an equal opportunity employer; qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Place of Work
Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) Secretariat Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Application file (Pdf format)
Consultants/Applicants interested in this assignment are required to submit expression of interest accompanied with their detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), copies of passport as well as education degree(s) and other relevant certificates.
Deadline of Submission
Expressions of Interest together with CVs and other required documents should be sent to the General Secretary, Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP) on or before August 24, 2021 at 4:00pm East Africa Time, in PDF format by using the following email address: consultancy@eappool.org . Expressions of Interest should be clearly marked – “Expression of Interest for Environmental Specialist, Ref no: “ET-EAPP-241718-CS-INDV”.