Request For Proposal (RFP) For Project Baseline Survey at GDC Consulting

Request For Proposal (RFP) For Project Baseline Survey at GDC Consulting

Title of Project: Integrated Programme for Out-of-School Adolescents (IPOSA) in Tanzania
Location: 6 regions in Tanzania (Manyara, Pwani, Simiyu, Shingyanga, Singida, Tanga)
Duration: 2022-2025

Title of Assignment: Baseline Survey of the Integrated Programme for Out-of-School Adolescents (IPOSA) in Tanzania
Duration of Assignment: March – May, 2024 (Approximately 47 Working Days)
Commence Date of Assignment: Upon the date of signing the Service Contract
Due Date for Assignment: After 47 working days* from the commence date

The number of working days mentioned in the RfP can be adjusted depending on project progress and local circumstances.

Background Information

Project Background Information:
In 2015, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) conducted an out-of-school profiling study and found that a total of 3.5 million children aged 7 to 17 (51 per cent girls) were out of school, including more than 2 million lower secondary school-age children and 1.2 million children who never attended school. To address this, the Integrated Programme for Out-of-School Adolescents (IPOSA) was developed by MoEST through the Institute of Adult Education (IAE), aiming to provide opportunities for schooling to out-of-school children and youths.

Expected Results:

The main objective of the project is enhanced, equitable, and inclusive access to quality basic education and lifelong learning for out-of-school adolescents. The project aims to achieve outcomes such as increased access to skills-based education and lifelong learning opportunities for out-of-school adolescents, and enhanced capacity for self-employment or formal employment among IPOSA graduates.

Objectives and Scope of Baseline Survey

The baseline survey aims to determine the current situation of the target beneficiaries in six project regions, conduct market research and needs assessment, and establish baseline data on project indicators.

Work Scope:

The survey will include tasks such as desk research on the IPOSA program, establishing baseline values for project outcomes and outputs, collecting related data including research design and survey methodology, assessing needs of the targeted regions, and conducting surveys and literature reviews on various aspects related to out-of-school adolescents.

Approach and Methodology

The consultancy firm/team is expected to propose appropriate mixed methods based on the stated objectives, including quantitative and qualitative approaches. The methodology should encompass sampling, sample size determination, data collection tools, and analysis techniques. Both digital data collection and traditional methods may be utilized.

Deliverables/Expected Outputs and Reporting

Deliverables include research clearance, draft and final inception reports, draft and final baseline survey reports, and datasets. The reports should cover various aspects including methodology, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Regular updates and touch-base meetings will be required for quality control.

Qualifications and Expertise Required

Eligible applicants should have experience in baseline surveys, education sector expertise, gender and statistics proficiency, capacity in planning and organizing survey logistics, data management skills, experience working with international organizations, and strong communication skills.


The consultancy period is 47 working days from the contract signing date, with the survey expected to commence in March 2024 and conclude within ten weeks.


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