Data Officer
Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania
Job Purpose
The incumbent is responsible for data collection, organizing, analyzing and reporting. S/he is also responsible for tracking all project service delivery data and undertaking data verification exercises on a routine basis to ensure accuracy and consistency of the data submitted and reported.
Key Functions
Provide an oversight on quality data collection, data entry and analysis of results using statistical techniques and provide performance reports as required. The generated data are from CHWs referrals and Walk-in clients for both channels mobile unit and Health facilities;
Perform and document procedures for data preparation including data cleaning, standardization and data analysis;
Ensure data management procedures have set timelines and meet established deadlines;
Conduct data quality and assessment at the sites /health facilities and Mobile unit to ensure consistent and continuous tracking of project progress as per the project set targets;
Monitor data processes and work with the overall project team to maintain data integrity and reconcile data discrepancies;
Review the quality of the data and perform quality checks to ensure appropriate data collection meets the needs of the project;
Analyses data sets and present findings to the overall project team and stakeholders;
Assist the Project Coordinator with the data analysis required for the project;
Produce monthly and quarterly performance reports for project, and demonstrating the trends;
Analyses project performance against targets, outputs and outcomes contained in the project logical model;
Produce user profile data report for family planning services and demonstrate the method mix including but not limited to demographics, number of CHWs referrals, reasons for referrals and intervention activities;
Consistently monitor and report performance issues to the Project lead and Project Coordinator;
Present analytical findings to overall project team to help shape future project delivery plans;
Respond to information requests (Data) from UMATI and Donor.
Education, Skills and Qualifications
Possess a Bachelor’s degree in social science/Statistics/Information Technology/Demography/Project management or health related subjects.
At least two (2) years’ experience in data management role including data collection, compilation, cleaning, and analysis.
Strong analytical skills including analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data
Experience of using database systems and manipulating data i.e., DHIS2.
Experience of using MS office applications; Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Experience of processing and reporting performance data.
Knowledge of sexual and reproductive health issues in Tanzania.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills required to train/coach staff and give occasional presentations.
Excellent written communication skills.
Excellent organizational and time management skills required to meet deadlines.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
Excellent Information Technology skills.
Fluent in English language is a prerequisite.
Willing to work and travel in remote areas for up to ten (10) days per month for project monitoring.
Cultural sensitivity
Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and dedication to the mission and values of UMATI.
Mode of Application:
All those who meet the above requirements and would like to apply for the position, should send their applications together with detailed curriculum vitae, attaching copies of their academic and professional certificates and three referees with their contacts to:
The position should be the subject of the email application. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The deadline for submitting the application is on 12th August 2022.
UMATI is an equal opportunity employer. Women and people with disability are highly encouraged to apply.