Linkage & Retention Officer Job Opportunity at ADP Mbozi


Position: Linkage & Retention Officer


ADP Mbozi

Actions for Development Programmes – Mbozi

ADP Mbozi is a not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization registered under section 11(3) of Non-Governmental Act No. 24, of 2002 with a registration number 1639.

The organization was established in 1986 as a food security project in Mbozi district.

Since then, the organization has grown in terms of interventions and coverage. To-date ADP Mbozi is a leader in facilitating socio-economic empowerment of marginalized1 rural and urban communities in Southern Highlands of Tanzania through promotion of improved agriculture production and food utilization, entrepreneurship and market development, addressing challenges of environment and community empowerment on gender, HIV and AIDS and good governance. Moreover, the organization strives to strengthen its internal capacity in order to successfully implement the above-mentioned focus areas.


The headquarter of the organization is located in Vwawa Town, about 70 km from Mbeya city and along the Dar Es Salaam – Lusaka highway.

ADP-MBOZI is a recipient of PEPFAR support through HJFMRI/WRP-T. Such support has been paramount in implementing HIV and AIDS interventions such as DREAMS initiative, Community Based HIV Services (CBHS) and Community Based HIV Testing Services (HTS) are executed through tracing Interrupted in treatment (ITT), retention, miss-appointment clients (MISSAP) and initiated and voluntary HIV testing services, counseling, bidirectional linkages to other HIV intervention services and linkage to care and treatment clinic (CTC).

ADP-MBOZI in collaboration with MOHCDGEC and PORALG under the support of PEPFAR through HJFMRI/WRP-T is implementing HIV and AIDS Prevention program in Chunya DC. This is a call for recruitment of a vibrant team that will work towards achieving the objectives of HIV and AIDS Prevention Program.

Actions for Development Programs (ADP-MBOZI) is seeking for qualified candidate to fill the position or Linkage and Retention Officer for the duration of 3 months with possibility of renewal based on candidates’ performance and availability of funds

Position Title: Linkage & Retention Officer

Reports to: Program Coordinator

Job Location: Chunya Dc

Overall, Job Function:

Reporting to the Program Coordinator, the Linkage and Retention Officer is responsible for coordinating linkage and retention services at the district in community-based settings. The portfolio includes community ART initiation and refill, follow-up of clients with interruptions in care, linkage case management, community-based viral load sample collection, among others. The Linkage & Retention Officer liaises with ADPMBOZI staff as well as health facility representatives to ensure continuity of care for HIV diagnosed clients.

Specific Responsibilities and Duties:

Develop district-level workplans for implementation of HIV linkage and retention activities in the community including supervision of field activities

Ensure activities are implemented according to the workplan

Ensure linkage and retention including community-based ART services are provided in line with MHO and donor policies and procedures and uphold principles of ethics and confidentiality.

Collaborate with ADP-MBOZI M&E Officer and health facility in-charges to coordinate activities, share data and workplans to strengthen continuum of care across community and facility interventions.

Collaborate with M&E Officer and Data clerks to ensure performance data on linkage and retention activities in community are accurately reflected in databases and verify consistency between data sources.

Monitor program performance at the district level, ensure timely and accurate submission of activity reports, and make adjustments as needed to the implementation plan

Liaise with council authorities and health facility leads to agree on project plans and monitor progress in community

Perform any other duties as assigned by the supervisor


Qualifications, Knowledge, and Skills:

Required Education: Medically trained personnel (Diploma in nurse, clinical officer, or equivalent)

Familiarity with MOH tools on HIV care and treatment such as CTC1 and 2 cards, registers and database.

Excellent speaking, reading, and writing skills in English and Kiswahili

Excellent computer skills, at minimum with Microsoft Office package

Ability to maintain confidentiality regarding clients’ health status and sensitive information contained in data sources.

Flexibility to work after normal working hours and weekends and travel extensively to remote areas, with active driving license and ability to drive motorcycle

Ability to interact well with all targeted groups and community volunteers by facilitating a non-judgmental, non-discriminatory, and non-stigmatizing environment in the program, to welcome all key and vulnerable population beneficiaries regardless of their background

Interested applicants should submit their application letter and Curriculum Vitae before 14th July, 2022 at 15:30 hrs through the following contacts:

Executive Director

Actions for Development Programs-Mbozi

P.O. Box 204,

Mbozi-Songwe region


NB: hand delivery will not be accepted

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