Call for Applications for a Consultancy to deliver a cost efficient and highly interactive contact management software for the TB and COVID-19 Resource and Call Centre
Advert Reference #: MKT/HQ/C19RM/22/01266
Consultancy Type: Individual OR Company/Firm
Location: Open Sourcing
Application Deadline: 31st July (2359Hours EAT)
Engagement Type: Vendor / Consultant
Language Required: English and Swahili are prime
Issue date : 18 July 2022
The TB and COVID-19 Resource Center hosted by MKUTA is searching for a Call Center Solution/Contact Management software to support two call centers located in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma. The TB and COVID-19 Resource / Call center aims to strengthen the capacity of MKUTA, CSOs and TB affected communities to gather, analyze and use data for improved availability, accessibility, acceptability and affordability of TB services in the context of COVID-19. The Resource / Call Center will be operating from Dar es Salaam and Dodoma with interconnected mechanisms allowing inter-operability.
About the Resource / Call Center
The Resource and Call Center is an innovative strategy with the sole aim of providing psychosocial and human rights support to people affected by TB and/or COVID-19 and their families, particularly the most vulnerable (AGYW, key populations, orphan and vulnerable children). Through various channels, the center offers a platform where TB and COVID-19 affected communities have a prominent and active role to provide feedback and recommend solutions to ensure access to quality, equitable care. The center is being established in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma regions and is accommodated/managed by MKUTA.
MKUTA is a non-affiliate non-governmental national umbrella organization made of 108 Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) established by former TB-patients, implementing community TB care in Tanzania. MKUTA human rights-based approach includes identification of people with TB to ensure access to care, focus on vulnerable groups and addressing social determinants of TB. The organisation was
officially registered in 2009, as an organisation of former TB patients organizing work for a stronger, rights-based community involvement to reduce the burden of TB, HIV and other co-morbidities. The goal of MKUTA’s work is to strengthen community awareness on TB and HIV and decrease stigmatization of those living with TB and/or COVID-19, improve early case detection and assist patients in their treatment to ensure treatment completion and cure.
Purpose and deliverables
The purpose of the consultancy is to provide a contact management software with multi-channel communication, integrated for e-commerce and an online cloud-based omnichannel contact center software providing help-desk support.
The provider will give requirement for support equipment, set the solution up and train staff and key users.
The provider shall provide a call center software which has the following characteristics: a case management system, a social media connector, customer survey module, call back module and self-service IVR & USSD menus.
The Consultancy should be conducted in line with the principles outlined in the approved Terms of Reference (ToR) that will be issued to only successful applicant/consultant.
Evaluation ethics.
The consultant should have both personal and professional integrity and abide by the Tanzanian Ethical
Guidelines to ensure that the rights of individuals involved in the assignment are respected.
The evaluator must act with cultural sensitivity and pay attention to protocols, codes and recommendations that may be relevant to their interactions with beneficiaries.
As part of the Inception Report, the Consultant will develop a specific protocol to be used and data collection in line with respecting do not harm, diversity and gender equality.
All data collected through this assignment is property of MKUTA and must be provided to the organization, if requested, in a word format.
Management and Implementation Arrangements.
This assignment will be facilitated by MKUTA Executive Director.
The focal point for leading this assignment from MKUTA will be appointed by the Executive Director.
The individual consultant or firm will be invited to present the call centre solution/software to be provided.
Key experts and partners shall be invited to the presentation of preliminary findings, and their feedback shall be incorporated into the final inception report.
The inception and finals report will be finally approved by the Executive Director of MKUTA.
Evaluation of the software provided by the Consultant and required competencies.
The call center solution/software will be assessed whether it meets all required components, modules and/or solutions as advertised.
The independent Individual Consultant is, therefore, required to do the assignment using the stipulated plan/criteria.
Given that subject-specific knowledge is required, the consultant would need to demonstrate strong technical knowledge and expertise in ICT and e-business platforms.
Additionally, the consultant should demonstrate expertise in monitoring, evaluation, statistical analysis, and communication of data with proven experience in conducting research or consultancy in health.
The consultant should have a strong understanding on gender equality and sensitivity as well as language capability to produce high quality reports in English and interact comfortably with local audiences in Swahili
Other factors considered during the evaluation include; cover letter, the credentials on offer and brief interview (optional) and the offer which gives the best value for money for MKUTA.
In addition, the following requirements are desirable:
a. Ability to conduct ICT infrastructure assessment
b. Ability to develop IVR recording scripts and configurations
c. Ability to install IPBX
d. Ability to develop Case Management system
e. Ability to structure the call Back Module
f. Ability to develop the customer Survey Module
g. Ability to develop System Requirement Specification (SRS) Document, user manual and Technical Guide for the call center
Duration of Assignment
The contract will be supervised and financed by MKUTA. The solution shall be delivered within 15 days from the contract date.
To apply please send application to not latter than 31st July 2022.
The application should contain:
Cover letter outlining relevant individual/firm experiences & explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised assignment
Updated CV to include qualifications/competencies and relevant past experience in similar projects and contact details of 3 professional referees who can certify your competencies, professionalism, quality of writing, presentation and overall suitability to this ToR
Please note that ONLY selected consultant will receive full Terms of Reference and will be required to develop inception report and the financial proposal.