Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Virology at Sokoine University

 The Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture wishes to invite suitable qualified individuals, who are able to work full time in a dynamic academic environment to apply for two (2) positions at the SACIDS Foundation for One Health under the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair for Viral Epidemics of Short-cycle Animal Stocks. The O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chairs Initiative (ORTARChl), combines development and higher education ob­jectives. It aims to honour Oliver R. Tambo, a leading figure in the development of African unity; have a catalytic impact on the development of research infrastructure; and contribute to knowledge production and high-end skills in alignment with Africa Union Agenda 2063 and the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 (STISA 2024). The initiative is implemented by the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology, South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) with core partners, the Oliver & Adelaide Tambo Foundation, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Science Granting Councils Initiative in Sub-Saha­ran Africa (SGCI) participating councils.

The O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair for Viral Epidemics of Short-cycle Animal Stocks aims to develop innovative approaches through science and technology driven by genomics, molecular biology and analytical epidemiology in order to improve the risk management of transboundary viral epidemics of short-cycle animal stocks i.e. African swine fever af­fecting domestic pigs; peste des petits ruminants affecting sheep and goats; Newcastle disease affecting poultry; and tilapia lake virus disease affecting tilapine fish. The Research Chair seeks to contribute to enhancing national disease surveillance, reporting, transparen­cy and accountability to all users of health data, including those affected by epidemics at the community level. The focus at the community level is driven by the need to understand how women, in particular, who are the most active small scale farmers of short-cycle animal stocks in Tanzania, can better mitigate the effects of these viral epidemics on their livestock. The chair is integrated into the SACIDS Foundation for One Health, a regional programme founded in 2008 by universities and national research institutions in five Member States of Southern African Development Community (SADC), hosted at the Sokoine University of Agriculture.



Possession of PhD in Virology from a recognized University.

Ability to independently conduct field work, techniques in virology, next-genera­tion sequencing and bioinformatics.

At least four publications as first author in reputable journals indexed at PubMed relating to virology.

Good communicator (orally and written, in English) with strong interpersonal skills and leadership qualities.



Conduct field work for viral epidemics of short-cycle animal stocks.

Undertake genomic epidemiology and/or virus-host interaction.

Provide genomics expertise to other SACIDS research programmes working on specific disease research theme.

Conduct complete genome sequencing of animal viruses using next-generation sequencing platforms.

Conduct metagenomic sequencing of viruses in animal samples in order to under­stand genomic epidemiology, co-morbidity patterns of the disease, and broader surveillance of outbreaks in a population.

Develop research proposals and reports for the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair.

Co-supervise postgraduate students with the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair.

Develop research manuscripts for publication in international peer-reviewed jour­nals indexed at PubMed.

Performing any other related duties as assigned by the O.R. Tambo Africa Re­search Chair.

Report to the O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chair.


Not above 50 years at the time of application.


Two year contract, renewable depending on performance and availability of funds.


SACIDS Foundation for One Health at Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tan­zania.

The applicant will have opportunity to interact with other relevant units at SUA and within Tanzania, and to interact with regional SACIDS partner institutions in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique and Zambia.


As per Treasury Registrar’s Circular No. 10 of 2015 with adjustment as offered by O.R. Tambo Africa Research Chairs Initiative.


All applications should be addressed to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance), Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O. Box 3000, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro.

The application letters should indicate names and addresses of two (2) Referees with their reliable contacts, together with certified copies of academic certificates, academic tran­scripts and all credentials i.e. Form IV, Form VI, University, Birth Certificate, Curriculum Vitae and other testimonials like the National/Citizenship Identification Card.


Those who studied abroad, Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) Verification must be attached to the application.

The deadline for submitting the application is 18 February 2022.

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