Job opportunities at TARURA 2022.
Job Opportunities at TARURA. Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) were officially inaugurated by Hon. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa Kassim on 2nd July 2017. The launching of TARURA followed after announcement in the National Gazette with GN 211 of 12nd May 2017. TARURA is the key to social development and it will uplift the level of national economy.
The Agency have six (6) objectives in its five years Strategic Plan (2016/2017 – 2020/2021) upon which when effectively implemented, are expected to result into outputs related to core and support functions of development and maintenance of rural and urban roads network. The aim of TARURA is to provide sustainable and cost effective maintenance and development of Rural and Urban Roads Network to support the social economic development of Tanzania.
To be a leading institution in the management of rural and urban roads network
To plan, design, construct and maintain rural and urban roads network in a cost effective manner for sustainable social economic development
Job Opportunities at TARURA
The Chief Executive, intends to recruit self- motivated, qualified and competent Tanzania to fil the followings vacant posts