Job Opportunity at Princess Leisure Limited, Experienced Casino Cashiers

Experienced Casino Cashiers  
Princess Leisure (Tanzania) Limited is looking for talented, trustwor­thy, dedicated and motivated individuals to join our team in the fol­lowing departments:

Position: Experienced Casino Cashiers


Form IV and above with good communication skills and knowl­edge of English language.


Application should be accompanied by the following:

Detailed CV
Application letter
Copies of relevant academic certificates including academic and work certificates.
2 recent passport size colored photograph.
Introduction letter from the local authority.
NB: For experienced applicants they should have at least one-year experience.

The dead line for application is 10th December 2021 at 17 HRS.

Applications are available from our Reception Desk between 12:00pm and 17:00pm.

Princess Casino Dar es Salaam, IT PLAZA 2nd Floor Ohio Street- Garden Avenue.

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