Job Opportunity at SNV, Design software application for WASH monitoring

Company Description

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy and WASH to local contexts. SNV has an annual turnover of €130 million, over 1,250 staff in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. We are proud to be a not-for-profit organization that uses project financing to implement our mission. This requires us to work efficiently and to invest in operational excellence.

In its new Strategic Plan period (2019 – 2022), SNV will more explicitly aim for systems change during project preparation and implementation – by strengthening institutions and kick-starting markets that help many more to escape poverty beyond our projects. We will continue to position ourselves as a premium organization, with decentralized management. SNV have been over years collaborating with both public and private sectors to support families evacuate out of extremely poverty.

For more information on our operations in Tanzania and SNV generally visit our website:

Project background

  • WASH SDG Programme aims to sustainably improve access to and use of sanitation services and improve hygiene behaviours in the coming five years (2017-2022). 
  • It is built on three core strategic objectives, namely (1) increasing demand for improved WASH facilities and practices, (2) improving the quality-of-service provision and by (3) improving governance of the sector. 
  • The programme aims to contribute to achieving access to safely managed sanitation and improved hygiene behaviours to 200,000 and 160,000 people respectively in peri-urban/urban areas of Shinyanga municipality and Arusha city.
  • The main objective of this consultancy is to design and produce software application (along with dashboard) that can improve the way specific WASH-related monitoring and analysis is carried out by local government authorities. 
  • The type of data to be collected relates to consumer awareness and practice on safe toilet emptying and throwing trash into bins; increased awareness and compliance with sanitation laws; and increased demand for improved sanitation facilities and services; and recording of information at public toilets and faecal sludge treatment plants. 
  • The application will be used by local government officials during their interactions with citizens residing in both Arusha and Shinyanga (Urban districts) and will include households, socially excluded groups, schools, health care facilities, sanitation service providers and feacal sludge treatment plant operators.

Methodology and scope of work

  • Specifically, The Consultant/Firm Will Undertake The Following
  • Design free and user-friendly software applications for monitoring, rating, analysing and reporting on sanitation and hygiene interventions. 
  • Inception meeting with SNV to have understandings of the WASH SDG programme, interventions to be covered by the app and deliverables of the assignment.
  • Design free software application which allows to install survey and rating with QR code forms on smartphones, collect data and submit data to the server for editing, analysis and reporting.
  • Design an engaging and user-friendly dashboard to assist on monitoring and analysis of the collected data including ability to produce simple reports
  • Prepare brief training guidelines and carry out training to the implementing partners and pre-test the use of the application and dashboard with partners in Arusha city and Shinyanga municipality.

Job Description
  • Develop a brief inception report (including updated workplan) presenting a list of different existing free applications/software suitable for data collection and monitoring, including their key features, advantages and limitations, to inform the selection of the most appropriate tools
  • Design a clear user-friendly application with different survey forms (based on information and questions agreed with SNV and partners)
  • Design a simple and clear associated dashboard for monitoring and analysing the data including ability to produce brief reports of the key data
  • Software application/dashboard successfully installed and tested on smartphones and computers for monitoring and rating purposes.
  • Develop brief training guidelines and info sheets to guide partners in Arusha city and Shinyanga municipality on use of the application and dashboard
  • Carry out practical training sessions with key stakeholders in both cities on the use of the application and dashboard


The consultant is expected to start the assignment on 22nd November 2021. It is estimated that all the deliverables will be completed within a 3-month timeframe (up to 22nd February 2022). A workplan with deadlines for each deliverable within this timeframe will be agreed with the successful supplier.

Reporting and supervision

The consultant shall be supervised by the SNV Governance and BCC advisor of the WASH SDG Programme, with support from the WASH SDG Programme Manager for approvals.

SNV will provide the following to the Consultant/Firm

○ Guidance on the programme and feedback on deliverables

○ Detailed questions and info to use for application survey forms

○ Field logistics linked to training sessions

Submission of the expression of interest (EOI)

Interested consultants are requested to submit TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL proposal in two separate envelope or folder for electronic document.

Technical proposal with the following details (max. limit of pages: 10 pages):

Understanding of the assignment and its tasks.

Methodology and approach to be used.

Operational plan with clear timeline.

Sample of a piece of comparable, previous work completed by the consultant/firm within the last 12 months.


Financial proposal (in Tanzanian Shillings) with the following details

Consultancy fees submitted must be inclusive of all taxes- VAT inclusive (please note that under Tanzanian law, a Withholding Tax (WHT) of 5% for Tanzania nationals is deducted at source and paid directly to TRA). Include a detailed breakdown of days and fees per consultant, Per diem and communication if applicable for the consultant assigned to this consultancy.

Note: Operational costs related to training assignment (Transport, printing of materials, workshop materials and venue) shall be covered by SNV.


  1. A University degree in computer sciences, computer programming, IT or related fields.
  2. Track record of software design and application development is a must
  3. Ability to execute this task within the stipulated time without compromising quality.
  4. Ability to understand and interpret project variables and success indicator factors.
  5. Some knowledge of the Tanzanian government health sector management systems or WASH related issues (preferable)
  6. Fluent in Kiswahili and English and having excellent writing skills in both languages.
  7. Excellent facilitator or coach on IT software applications.
  8. Note: Operational costs related to training assignment (Transport, printing of materials, workshop materials and venue) shall be covered by SNV.
  9. Additional Information

Submission of the expression of interest (EOI)

Interested consultants are requested to submit TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL proposal in two separate envelope or folder for electronic document.

Technical proposal with the following details (max. limit of pages: 10 pages):

Understanding of the assignment and its tasks.

Methodology and approach to be used.

Operational plan with clear timeline.

Sample of a piece of comparable, previous work completed by the consultant/firm within the last 12 months.


Financial proposal (in Tanzanian Shillings) with the following details

Consultancy fees submitted must be inclusive of all taxes- VAT inclusive (please note that under Tanzanian law, a Withholding Tax (WHT) of 5% for Tanzania nationals is deducted at source and paid directly to TRA). Include a detailed breakdown of days and fees per consultant, Per diem and communication if applicable for the consultant assigned to this consultancy.

Past Performance – three references

Applicants must prove that they have enough experiences in assignments comparable with the work they are bidding for in terms of scope and complexity. Applicants must prove this experience using only and exactly three references for work they have done in the last 2 years.

Applicants must provide written proof for each of the references giving at least the following data:

Name of the contracting company/donor, name of the person who managed the contract for the company/donor and email and telephone numbers for the contact who managed the contract.

Title of the project or contract or grant and / or the contract/grant number.

Time and place of execution for the work done.

Clear description of the services provided by the applicant (no more than one page).

Mandatory requirement – Copies of:

Certificate of TIN for individual(s), and

Valid Tax clearance, Copy of company/NGO registration certificate for a firm.

Failure to provide the document above will result in immediate elimination of the bidding process.

Selection criteria


Maximum score

Past Performance – Quality and relevance of previous work conducted by the consultant. Based on references provided by the contracting companies, and a sample of a piece of comparable, previous work completed by the consultant within the last 12 months.

20 marks

Technical Proposal – demonstrating

a clear understanding of the assignment (methodology and approach to be used)

a viable and appropriate methodology, and

a realistic operational plan (including with proposed timeline)

45 marks

Experience of consultant – Qualifications and relevant experience of the key personnel (CVs)

35 marks

100 marks

Technical proposal are weighted at 70%.
The minimum pass of technical criteria is 50
Financial proposal are weighted at 30%

Please submit the EOI by email to by 17th November 2021 at EAT.

SNV will communicate only to the successful selected candidates.

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