TCU Fourth Round Admission 2021/2022 Opened

TCU Fourth Round Admission 2021/2022, Udahili Awamu ya Nne. The Tanzania Colleges and Universities Commission (TCU) would like to inform the public and Higher Education stakeholders in the country being enrolled in all three phases at the level of a Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Education Institutions in the country for the year of the 2021/2022 courses have been completed in accordance with the admission schedule approved by the Commission.

TCU Fourth Round Admission Opened

Upon completion of all three phases of admission, the Commission has received
applications to extend admission time from some applicants who missed admission due to various reasons. Also, the Commission has received applications for extension of admission from some Educational Institutions
top countries that still have a place in some programs studies for the year 2021/2022.

To provide opportunities for applicants who could not be admitted or could not apply for admission in the last three phases due to various reasons, the Commission has extended the admission period by filing Phase Four and
end of admission starting today October 11 to October 15, 2021. Apply Here

The Commission urges all applicants who have not yet been admitted, to take advantage of the opportunity this well to get a chance to enroll.

Procedure In Fourth Round Admission

The Commission directs admission applicants and colleges to adhere to the admission procedure in Phase Four as outlined in Table no. 1.

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Call For Higher Education Institutions
The Commission calls on Higher Education Institutions in the country to be accredited for the academic year 2021/2022, to announce programs with space in order enabling applicants to make informed decisions when submitting applications of admission and avoid inconvenience to applicants requesting applications that they have no place. In addition, the Commission urges all Higher Education Institutions in the country
taking into account the number of students approved in the program.

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