Best Ways to Get Hired Fast | NJIA 20 ZA KUPATA AJIRA HARAKA TANZANIA | Easy To Get A Job


Time to hire is at its highest, with the entire hiring process taking roughly 23 days. The length can leave many job seekers less than optimistic when looking for a new career. If you’re looking to make a move soon, you may wonder if there’s anything you can do to speed up a lengthy process. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of 20 things you can do to get hired faster.

Sometimes, it can seem that you’ve done all the right things when it comes to your job search, but you still aren’t successful. Although this can be a frustrating situation, the fact of the matter is that there is a lot of competition for the jobs that are available. 

These days, you need to do more than send in a decent cover letter and arrive on time for the interview. You need to stand out from the crowd.

From your resume to the follow-up, these tricks are what you need to find your dream job and hopefully get hired faster. See for yourself:

1. Get Specific

Time is precious when looking for a new job. Don’t waste it by filling out a bunch of applications to places you are only semi-interested in. Instead, take the time to figure out the type of position you would really enjoy and then devote yourself to finding something that matches. Most job boards and recruiting sites allow you to make specific searches to match you with a job that you would enjoy and succeed at.

Write out a few keywords that fit job duties and the work experience you have, so you can use each sites’ search functionality to your advantage. These specific searches also allow you to specify how close the results will be location-wise as well as pay and employment level. The results will point you to available positions much closer aligned to your desires. Once you have a match, filling out the application will be much less tedious than applying for a position you aren’t as interested in. 

2. Don’t Settle

Remain specific when it comes to where you want to work. Just because there are 10 openings in your field, doesn’t mean you should apply to all of them. Research their employer brand online and speak with friends and family, so that you find a company and position that fits your work values and needs.

Before starting your research, try compiling a list of what the perfect company is to you, the type of work environment you thrive in and any companies that excite you. 

3. Don’t Just Quit

You’ve done your research and submitted your application/resume, but now what? Keep your eyes open for other potential employers and opportunities as they come available, it’s better to apply for many positions that interest you than just applying to one or two.

If a company sends a rejection letter, take this opportunity to ask them what you could have done differently, and build on that for next time.

4. Remember the Cover letter

Hiring managers only spend between 5-7 seconds reviewing a resume, so it’s important to grab their attention with a cover letter. It’s best practice to change the cover letter for each position you apply for.

Give a brief summary of your qualifications and touch on how you plan to help the company thrive. Hiring managers want to know what sets you apart from other applicants. Without this, it’s possible your resume may not stand out and you may be passed up for the position.

5. Job Specific Resume

Just like your cover letter, each resume you submit should focus on that particular job. Be sure to highlight certain skills and experience that caters to that position.

Without these, you might be missed by an applicant tracking system or the hiring manager and be immediately disqualified for the job. Leave out things that have very little to do with the position, so you have room for what does.

6. Keep it Simple

If you’ve been in the workforce for years and have pages of experience should you list it all? Not quite. When it comes to stating experience and work history, keep it recent and simple.

The past three jobs or 5-7 years of employment are enough to offer a clear view into your work experience. Offering too much information can be overwhelming and could agitate the hiring manager instead of impress. 

7. Employment isn’t Everything

Many job seekers go weeks or even months without finding the right job. This leaves gaps in the work history section that often leaves recruiters fearful the job seeker isn’t reliable. Fortunately, stating your work history isn’t all there is to a resume.

Be sure to feature any volunteer work or projects you did during the gap. If you were a stay-at-home parent, mention that as well. Recruiters want to know what you were doing and how you were growing your skills while you weren’t working for a company. 

8. Dress For What You Want

Most have heard the saying, “dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” Well, it really does hold some truth. When going into an interview, don’t dress just for your part, dress for the part of upper or senior management, or the position that you hope to obtain during your career at the company.

First impressions are everything, especially when you only have 30 minutes or so to talk with someone before they decide to hire you. Make it count! 

9. Don’t Fake It

Employers do not want to see fake smiles or rehearsed answers when it comes time for the interview. They want to know who they hope to hire and you want to match the position and culture. Being misleading helps neither of you.

Saying what you think the employer wants to hear might get the job, but the job might be a total misfit for who you truly are and want to become. Being honest is the best way to show off your skills and land the job of your dreams. 

10. Share Stories

While in the interview, it’s important to back up your skills and experience. Share stories and gives examples of situations that really made your skills stand out. Provide ways that your skills helped benefit your last company. 

11. Leave the Hate at the Door

When you’re talking about previous experiences and situations, it’s important to remember that you should not talk down a past employer. Speaking badly about people you used to work for makes the interviewer question what you will have to say about them down the road.

This can create a bad impression on your character. Plus, this is an interview about moving forward. Any past discrepancies have no place there.

12. The Follow Up

Whether you’ve heard back about the job offer or not, it’s important to follow up a few days after the interview. Send a thank you letter or email stating how it was a pleasure to speak with them and that you really appreciate the opportunity. Reiterate any thoughts about why you want to work for them, and be sure to offer them any contact information, so they can easily reach you with any further questions. 

13. Network

Sometimes, job opportunities happen in the most unlikely of places. Be open to communicating and networking with others in your field. Whether at an industry event, over email, or even over social media platforms like LinkedIn. Allow yourself to connect with others and make your presence known. 

14. Get References

Before applying to any job, create a list of references and reach out to those people to make sure they are comfortable with you listing them. Give them a heads up that you are applying to certain companies that may contact them. These should be people who know you through networking, past co-workers or anyone else can speak to your work experience and skills.

Also, make sure they are a good source of information. Choose people who are familiar with your work ethic and who can provide an unbiased, honest opinion. 

15. Do it Again

So, you applied for a job and didn’t get it. A few weeks later, you notice that the position is still open. Feel free to try again! Take note of anything that may have gone wrong the first time and take another crack at it. This shows initiative and your ability to develop and grow. 

16. Turn Negatives into Positives

We all have weaknesses, and employers want to know about them. Remember, a weakness can become a positive. For example, one of your weaknesses could be procrastination. However, despite that, you always make the deadlines and produce excellent work, while working well under pressure.

The same can go for many other instances. Whatever your downfalls may be, use them to your advantage and show that even though you make mistakes, you know how to turn it around and work hard to improve both yourself and your work. 

17. Focus on Accomplishments-

Acknowledging your accomplishments is just as important as anything else, and will help you stand out. You might not have 10 years of experience, but if you can prove that your team doubled its sales in one year, that can make a huge difference when you’re being considered for a position. 

18. Stand Out From the Rest

This can mean many things. From showcasing a work portfolio to sending in a presentation that acts as your cover letter. These unique moves will help employers and hiring managers remember you and your work. Do things that show you are unique, while also showcasing any particular skills they are looking for.

19. Be confident

This can range from answering questions with a straightforward response, to having a good handshake. In fact, 33% of hiring managers say they’ve eliminated candidates after an interview because of bad posture. It’s hard to imagine that something so small could have such an impact, but it can.

Employers want to know that you are confident in your skills and yourself. Without showing this, it can lead them to believe that you actually aren’t qualified.

20. Be Engaged

Hiring managers and employers want to know that you are listening and interested in what they have to say. This means you have to be engaged as well! Ask questions if something is unclear, nod to show you are listening and keep eye contact. 67% of hiring managers say they’ve eliminated candidates after an interview because they failed to make enough eye contact. Again, this shows confidence and a sense of leadership – something that companies value greatly.

Of course, one of the best ways to show you’re engaged is by being proactive.

Browse the organization’s website, read reviews, scroll through social pages, learn their history and the mission and values they are built on. Bring notes from your research on the company to your interview. This information will give you ideas for questions to ask your interviewer and will show the hiring team you are confident and mean business. There’s nothing more impressive than someone who shows up prepared and ready to tackle any obstacles ahead.

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